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Generated at: 02:30:27 01/01/07
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#Hits%Search String
2151.15david tunkl
3141.07burris schoenberg
4141.07burris & schoenberg
5130.99donald burris
6120.92randol schoenberg
7120.92sophie lillie
8100.77donald s. burris
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1960.46gina taro
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2160.46thaddeus stauber
2350.38e. randol schoenberg
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2550.38portrait of wally
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5640.31sotheby's anwalt patrik
5740.31schoenberg maria altmann
5840.31klimt paintings,bentley family
5940.31applying traditional laws to the interne...
6040.31"die goldene adele" - klimt
6140.31 "limited knox"
6240.31schoenberg golden adele
6340.31karen sanig
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7730.23recovered painting of lady in gold
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8620.15cezanne 61 millionen euro
8720.15-inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:"index of"...
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9620.15fsia expropriation
9720.15e. randol schoenberg's altmann case
9820.15civil lawsuits filed by correctional off...
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21820.15case briefing dissent
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25920.15teal green, dark green, light green, lim...
26020.15mrs. james alsdorf
26120.15mauerbach collection
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31420.15"adele bloch-bauer i" distinctive featur...
31520.15which picasso painting was stolen on sep...
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#Search String

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