8205 Santa Monica Blvd., #1-181

West Hollywood, California 90046

mobile 818/667-1883


EDUCATION        UCLA School of Law – Los Angeles, California

                              Juris Doctor, May 2003

                              Activities:    UCLA Law Review, Member & Symposium Co-Editor

                                                El Centro Legal Homeless Youth Clinic, Supervisor


Yale University – New Haven, Connecticut

                              Bachelor of Arts, History of Art, with distinction, May 1998
Thesis:        Jacques-Louis David¹s Martyr Portraits:  Negotiating the Problem of                                               Representation at the Close of the French Revolution

                              Honors:      Recipient of John Boit Memorial Traveling Fellowship, May - July 1997

                              Conducted solo art history research expedition in Spain and Morocco

                                                Participant in selective Directed Studies Program in the Humanities        

                              Activities:    Yale College Council, Elected Representative


                              Université de Paris/NYU in France - Paris, France

                              Political Science, French Literature, Spring 1996


                              Institute of Italian Studies - Florence, Italy

                              History of Art, Studio Art, Fall 1995


EXPERIENCE       Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP – Los Angeles, California

10/03 – present         Associate
Co-authored motion for summary judgment/adjudication.  Drafted pleadings and discovery requests/responses.  Represented U.S. energy corporation in successful arbitration regarding construction of a cogeneration facility.  Counseled clients concerning application of Proposition 65 on business operations.  Drafted contracts.  Counseled clients regarding surety issues and mechanics¹ lien and stop notice law.  Represented parents in adoption of foster child.


Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP – San Francisco, California

6/02 – 8/02             Summer Associate
Performed research and drafted memoranda.


                              U.S. Attorney¹s Office, Civil Division – San Francisco, California

5/01 – 7/01             Law Clerk

                              Drafted motion for summary judgment and legal memoranda.  Counseled the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service regarding immigration law and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on law regarding federally funded housing.


Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand - Washington, D.C.

 5/99 – 6/00             Legislative Assistant

Conducted legislative research and monitoring.  Wrote speeches for clients and members of firm.


BAR                       Admitted to the California State Bar, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit,

MEMBERSHIP       and United States District Court, Central District of California


PUBLICATION      Co-authored white paper, AB 544: Some Temporary Labor Service Agencies Now Qualify as Contractors, Associated General Contractors of California legal advisory committee, December 2003, at


LANGUAGES         Proficient in French and Italian

TRAVEL                Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Russia, Spain, Turkey